Sunlight LED Skin Care, Lubit

Makes the skin more vibrant and bright by filling it with nourishment 

and moisture deep inside the skin with the light of near-infrared rays.

About Lubit


Certification of 5 effects

from accredited certification bodies

It has been certified by OATC

for its outstanding effectiveness

in human testing results for 5 efficacy.


Human -friendly design

considering human curvature

We have completed

a high usability -oriented product

with a convex inclination angle design

that increases skin adhesion.


Maximize functional product efficacy

by delivering depth in the skin

It absorbs 100% of the functional

ingredients of cosmetics or mask packs

by pushing them deep into the skin.


A product completed by measuring

near-infrared rays for the first time in Korea

It is the first product in Korea

that measures near-infrared rays

and applies them to products.

Always with you, Lubit

Lubit, a premium beauty brand that revives the skin's natural elasticity with innovative near -infrared LED technology.

Complete your own radiant skin with Lubit that scientifically solves skin concerns.
